July 3, 2011

Yes, Way, Jose (Baez)!

I imagine he will go on too long, but Jose Baez is doing far better than expected.  He is persuasive. If I were on the jury, I would by now be rethinking a first degree murder verdict.

Baez points out that Dr. Arpad Vas,  the sole witness who stated that chloroform was present at very high level--shockingly high levels--is not a chemist. "No matter how much his friend Marcus Weiss would like him [Dr. Vas] to be a chemist, he is NOT a chemist. Sometimes I'd like to be a race car driver. And sometimes I drive pretty fast. But that does not make me a race car driver."

And he pointed out that a number of actual CHEMISTS disagreed with Dr. Vas.  The FBI chemist said the levels of chloroform were low, and were consistent with the amount one would find from cleaning products.

He points out that the medical examiner could not determine a manner of death.  And yet she (the M.E.) determined it a homicide. Jose Baez pointed out that the three reasons the ME stated that she called it an accident were as follows: 1) The death wasn't reported; 2) The body was buried in the woods; 3) Duct tape appeared to be be taped to the face.  And Baez is correct that you don't have to be a doctor to state any of these things. And none of these things are actually proof that Caylee's death was a homicide.  Excellent points.

Baez points out that the prosecution wants you to believe Cindy Anthony.  She talks about many things that the prosecution needs you to believe.  And yes, he says, the state went out of their way to prove Cindy Anthony a liar.  They want you to believe whatever she says the supports the prosecution, he says, but disregard everything she says that supports the defense.

He further confirms that even if decomp does exist in the car, this is not proof of homicide.  This fact is equally consistent with an accidental death.

Jose Baez is at his most convincing during his closing.  He may in fact save her from a first degree murder conviction.  I truly cannot believe this turnaround.  It's almost as if he hid his ability before now only to surprise the prosecution with the power of this closing.  I think he's doing really well.

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